Doing a bunch of ARG consultancy and while creating lists of user journey options thought I would create this nice little app to help exercise those ‘cross media’ muscles or drive you bonkers. It is a work in progress (what isn’t nowadays) and many more ‘user journey’ options will be added, an auto button and almost done, a genre selector (which adds some story bits). Kind of an auto ARG creator eventually 🙂


  • Choose ‘auto’ (default) and just watch it in veg out mode
  • Choose ‘manual’ then click the top right red button for each of the ‘next’ steps
  • Choose ‘about’ for a little description…

(in progress) A Cross Media User Journey…should describe the route a user takes through a complex multi platform service. It can refer to their thought processes, the actions they take at various points, the story fragments that are revealed at each junction as they travel across a plethora of channels, devices and forms. It often captures the essence of their UX, user experience and is often displayed as a complex chart.

This application, for amusement only, takes us on an endless Alternate Reality Game like User Journey.