Law and Regulation of Virtual Worlds Seminar, ‘me talk…’
For those folk who fancy a trip down to Monash University Law Chambers on Wednesday 25 June and...
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by Gary Hayes | Jun 23, 2008 | Virtual Worlds | 0 |
For those folk who fancy a trip down to Monash University Law Chambers on Wednesday 25 June and...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | May 6, 2007 | Virtual Worlds | 1 |
NOTE: Based on my sticky post ‘The Brand Owners Guide to Joining the Metaverse”. As promised a rough transcript of my keynote talk to CeBit last week based on my experience of actually building some Second Life sims,...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Apr 21, 2007 | Cross Media, Interactive TV, Streaming | 0 |
YAY! Jackie my LAMP cohort and Paul Bennun (a new LAMP mentor on the next lab in Tas) won their...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Jul 16, 2006 | Cross Media, Transmedia | 0 |
Update article: Networks in crises – from the Australian about the tsunami about to hit Oz shores, a region entrenched in the old advertising model… original post… Two articles about the fraught changes in...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Apr 22, 2006 | Personalisation, Privacy | 0 |
A fabulous upsum range of articles from the Economist on our beloved media industry (mostly in the user, participatory domain) and the evolution, revolution and chaos it is going through. “Among the Audience” –...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Apr 8, 2006 | Interactive TV | 0 |
Firstly there should have been a big award to Brian Seth Hurst for being a major part of making the International Interactive Emmy Awards happen – there have been far too many parochial, slightly sycophantic national...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Apr 5, 2006 | Cross Media, Interactive TV, Mobile, Streaming, Transmedia | 0 |
The conference presentations have from my perspective, been the usual mix of ‘heard-it-all-before’, occassional cool bit of a service demo, global convergence and very entertaining philosophical gazes into the future...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Feb 16, 2006 | Cross Media, Interactive TV, Streaming | 0 |
Seems there is no stopping the User Generated Content revolution as TV 1.0 becomes TV 2.0 (ala web 1.0 business publishing, web 2.0 self-publishing). TV 2.0 (you heard it here first – well actually not here first Wired Sep...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Jan 7, 2006 | Cross Media, Personalisation, Recommendation Agents, Transmedia | 0 |
Nice to see that Bill Gates is still on the personalized TV bandwagon. After several years of keynotes talking about IPTV, the connected XBox and of course Microsoft’s own MediaCenter strategy it seems that...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Jan 1, 2006 | Cross Media, Metadata, Metaverse, Personalisation, Recommendation Agents, Streaming, Targeting, Transmedia | 0 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! So I made it through the end of year celebs, family and big ‘life’ changes that inevitably seem to happen to me around this time – and here I heads down and almost back into the blogosphere. What to...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Dec 14, 2005 | Cross Media, Streaming | 0 |
Realtime (and OnScreen) a journal looking at performance, dance, music, digital and the visual arts have published an interview my cohort from LAMP Peter Giles and I did a few weeks ago. Always interested in which bits Karen...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Dec 11, 2005 | Personalisation, Recommendation Agents, Streaming | 0 |
I often refer in my presentations to Akimbo back in May starting to deliver vlogs (videoblogs) via its IPTV service in the US. It is pretty revolutionary that alongside and at the same level on the EPG as CNN, The History...
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