Monument Valley Tree ©Gary Hayes 2005Beyond Personalisation – In conjunction with the 2005 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2005). San Diego, California, January 9-12, 2005

Annoying in retrospect but I tried to make this short workshop in San Diego at the start of the year being impressed by the focus on next stage of recommender systems, but even though I was in town…ah well you don’t want to know.

This workshop will focus on the following four main topics:
1. Understanding and trusting recommender systems.
2. User interfaces for recommender systems.
3. The future of recommendation algorithms and their metrics.
4. Social consequences and opportunities of recommender systems.

The thing I would recommend (there I am a recommender now) is an excellent resource still on the site covering most things ‘personalisation’ (proper English for a while) in their contributions section. It is great how some seminars do actually leave stuff up for the greater good. The Yahoo personalization labs talk about their future plans for music audio and movie search including something called ‘prototypical’ movie (presume a hybrid combination movie) based on their searches around scripts. The personalized movie paper from Linkkoping Univ looks at development of simple ai for natural language recommendations for movies – bit like chatting to a friend about what movies you should go and see. There are other great contributions from MIT, UCL, Ricoh, Elyon DeKoven, Luther College, Universities of Alberta, London College, Taipan Univ, Michigan, Chicago, Delft, Maryland, Tampere, Northern Iowa, Rutgers, Linkoping and British Columbia. It is always sad that some of the best ideas seem to be stuck in education and even though so many obvious business applications there doesn’t seem to be strong bridges – in this world of plenty we so need our agents.

Anyway here is the link to some great papers, to whet your appetite here are the headers.

Recommender Systems Research at Yahoo! Research Labs
A Multi-agent Smart User Model for Cross-domain Recommender Systems
Personalized Product Recommendations and Consumer Purchase Decisions
Toward a Personal Recommender System
Beyond Idiot Savants: Recommendations and Common Sense
Towards More Personalized Navigation in Mobile Three-dimensional Virtual Environments
Issues of Applying Collaborative Filtering Recommendations in Information Retrieval
Crossing the Rubicon for An Intelligent Advisor
Explaining Recommendations: Satisfaction vs. Promotion
Identifying Attack Models for Secure Recommendation
User-Specific Decision-Theoretic Accuracy Metrics for Collaborative Filtering
Off-Topic Recommendations
Item-Triggered Recommendation for Identifying Potential Customers of Cold Sellers in Supermarkets
The Good, Bad and the Indifferent: Explorations in Recommender System Health
Impacts of Contextualized Communication of Privacy Practices and Personalization Benefits on Purchase Behavior and Perceived Quality of Recommendation
InterestMap: Harvesting Social Network Profiles for Recommendations
What Affects Printing Options? – Toward Personalization & Recommendation System for Printing Devices
P2P-based PVR Recommendation using Friends, Taste Buddies and Superpeers
DynamicLens: A Dynamic User-Interface for A Meta-Recommendation System
Modeling a Dialogue Strategy for Personalized Movie Recommendations
Behavior-based Recommender Systems for Web Content
Who do trust? Combining Recommender Systems and Social Networking for Better Advice

Posted by Gary Hayes ©2005