A series of tools Gary has created for hundreds of his workshops and training, designed to help teams generate ideas or quick pitches from assigned stories/genre/intention/business etc: You will need Shockwave and/or Flash players installed into your browser to view these – get it from Adobe here.

Click the links below

SOCIAL MULTI PLATFORM TV BRIEF O’MATIC – “Flash app, designed as a tool to develop your audience/user centric thinking when creating Multi Platform Social properties. It gives you a well known existing story world and requires you to meet two ‘user centric’ objectives (primary and secondary) and also a business model to fulfil”

TRANSMEDIA-BRIEF-O-MATIC FLASH “This randomly chooses (on command) story/TV worlds and two simple ‘objectives’ to take into account in your presentation back. There are two sections TV extension and pure Transmedia.

PITCH-O-MATIC SHOCKWAVEFor students & media professionals to develop their ‘off-the-cuff’ pitch and presentation skills”!

WINDMILLS OF OUR TRANSMEDIA MINDS – FLASH “…that takes you on a journey!  To help exercise those ‘cross media’ muscles or drive you bonkers. It is a work in progress (what isn’t nowadays) and many more ‘user journey’ options will be added

MULTI-PLATFORM MOVIE STORY & BUSINESS INTENTION’ER – FLASH “A well known movie story world, across 5 selectable key genre

GAME GENERATOR  SHOCKWAVE “For teachers and students to come up with the seeds of a new game”!

MASH-UP MACHINESHOCKWAVE “To get you thinking about new online services”

TWEETOMATORSHOCKWAVEFor tweeters who are sometimes lost for things to say”!

FORMAT-O-MATORSHOCKWAVEA ‘Cross Media Format Generator’ that plays on a few key concepts and potential new formats.”

In progress:

USER JOURNEY O’MATIC – will, based on your story fragments/settings create a route through multi platforms

SOCIAL MEDIA BALANCE – requires you to maintain and grow a user based community by carefully clicking at the right times across social media and PR releases!

ALTERNATE REALITY GAME O’MATIC – An extension of the windmills machine above, based on your story world and style of ARG it will give you a suggestive sequence of  ‘story based events’ in sequence