This is designed as a tool to develop your audience/user centric thinking when creating Multi Platform Social Transmedia properties. It gives you a well known existing story world (eg: TV or film property) and requires you to meet two ‘user centric’ objectives (primary and secondary) and also to deliver a specific business model. Any client working with you, acting as the transmedia agency, should be clear about what it is they want to achieve and so follow the instructions, work in teams or by yourself, come up with some great service ideas!


  1. Click ‘client brief’ button below for selection screen then –
  2. Activate genre pools by toggling buttons on/off
  3. Click button ‘1’ for random TV existing property from genres
  4. Click buttons ‘2, 3 & 4’ for random client objectives & biz model
  5. Click ‘reset’ button to reset all boxes (except genre)