Where Industry and Academia Fear to Tread – StoryLabs Launch
“We live in extraordinary times and the last five years particularly, a renaissance of...
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by Gary Hayes | Aug 26, 2010 | Cross Media, Muti Platform, Transmedia | 9 |
“We live in extraordinary times and the last five years particularly, a renaissance of...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Oct 29, 2009 | Muti Platform | 26 |
col·labo·rate (kə lab′ə rāt′) 1. to work together, esp. in some literary, artistic, or scientific...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Mar 9, 2009 | Cross Media, Metaverse, Participatory Media, Privacy, Social Media, Transmedia, Virtual Reality, Virtual Worlds | 5 |
It’s that time of year where things really start to kick-in. So on top of all my AFTRS...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Sep 3, 2007 | Virtual Worlds | 6 |
. Virtual Worlds Necessitate Corporations Develop Personality followed by Gary’s top 15 tips...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | May 6, 2007 | Virtual Worlds | 1 |
NOTE: Based on my sticky post ‘The Brand Owners Guide to Joining the Metaverse”. As promised a rough transcript of my keynote talk to CeBit last week based on my experience of actually building some Second Life sims,...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Jul 22, 2006 | Alternate Reality, Metaverse, Recommendation Agents, Virtual Reality | 3 |
A quote to start off yet another Virtual World post… ‘“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion’” Democritus (Greek philosopher, 460-370bc) We live in a world where...
Read Moreby Gary Hayes | Dec 14, 2005 | Cross Media, Streaming | 0 |
Realtime (and OnScreen) a journal looking at performance, dance, music, digital and the visual arts have published an interview my cohort from LAMP Peter Giles and I did a few weeks ago. Always interested in which bits Karen...
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